Freelancer Life

A compile of articles (written by me) about freelancing/productivity/web development.


This is a collection of a few articles I've written that people seem to like (according to # of visits/shares). I thought I'd group them into this booklet, might turn out to be useful for somebody :-)

Keeping focused

At least for me—but I think most people—being able to keep focused is a huge challenge. For me, it makes the difference between getting a lot done in a fraction of the time, or procrastinate and take 10 times what it should.

Being wired in

8 hours of work, nothing done: my journey into interruptions, getting wired in, and being able to write more than a couple of lines of code...

Life without a cell phone

Broke my phone. Tragedy, or finally an excuse to get rid of “being always available” and get my life back..?

Freelance life

Being a freelancer can be awesome, but also suck at times.

Working on Weekends

If you’re a freelancer, it’s easy to fall into the trap—for me, working all the time made me tired of what I love the most.

Falling Behind on Front-End Technologies and Trends

How by not paying attention screwed myself over. But there’s hope for recovery...


Freelancer Life

A compile of articles (written by me) about freelancing/productivity/web development.