How to talk economics in an election

The five rules of economic campaigning

My Approach to UI Design

First of all, this is somewhat of a rebound of what Marc Edwards from Bjango has written up for his app design workflow. This article will be a little bit more broad on UI design covering both web design and native app design. By the way, this is just my opinion on how to design for UIs, there are probably better ways to do all of these things. If you do have a better way, tell me in the comments below, I’m always interested in refining my workflow.

I design with Photoshop

So you want to build a hardware company,

There have been a lot of cool projects made with Littlebits. They snap together and are the quickest way to do rapid prototyping. At $249 for their home automation kit it isn’t the cheapest way to build a prototype, but it’s certainly the most convenient.



Tenderfoot was a pedicure parlor on Main Street near Channing. Two reclining chairs — usually only one was in use — faced the street through a large plate-glass window. And so customers, alone with Paige, got a kind of public privacy — anybody could see them, no one but Paige could hear them. Paige was an expert listener — rarely commenting on what she heard, never repeating it.

Honeydew is brilliant

Breaking Into Startups

Breaking into Tech with a “non-technical” background is hard. The same barriers that exist in Finance also exist with Startups.

Exit opportunities

The Last Beer

With cancer, she met it head on. She got the news about the chemotherapy regimen and she got second opinions. When she knew in her heart that her only chance was to aggressively go after the cancer, she was ready.

Cold beer

Organizing for the Unpredictable

Here we are, dear reader, both feet firmly planted in 2015. Barraged by lists of predictions, trends, and otherwise guesses. Swaddled in our own strategic plans.

Part One Strategies

Why Do All Records Sound the Same?

There was once a little-watched video on Maroon 5's YouTube channel (now deleted, but visible here and here) which documents

more up-to-date information

My Approach to UI Design

First of all, this is somewhat of a rebound of what Marc Edwards from Bjango has written up for his app design workflow. This article will be a little bit more broad on UI design covering both web design and native app design. By the way, this is just my opinion on how to design for UIs, there are probably better ways to do all of these things. If you do have a better way, tell me in the comments below, I’m always interested in refining my workflow.

Prototype with Marvel

Towers Of The Blue

At six or seven, I made a discovery that opened a new world to me — world being le mot juste. Standing tall on my mother’s shelf (and only within reach if I stood on my tiptoes) was a formidable book. It was stately, large and heavy in my small, curious hands.

Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena

Adventures in Piano Building

Turning a mouse house into a musical marvel.

QRS piano rolls

Charting a New Course on Cuba

President Obama is taking action to cut loose the anchor of failed policies of the past, and to chart a new course in U.S. relations with Cuba

Next Steps, New Course

The New Hampshire Rebellion

I met Larry Lessig in an empty train, one cold evening of November 2013, somewhere between Marseille and Paris. He had boarded before me and was trying to force the door into the sitting compartment.

Shedding the masks

Gordon Bunshaft

What Convinces is Conviction

Mauna Kea Resort

Where’s Waldo Goes to Outer Space

How to advance science through hidden object games

Variable Stars and Distances

Race Against Resistance

It was March of 1942. As the last of New Haven’s chilly winter finally melted away, 33-year-old Anne Sheafe Miller lay in the hospital, dying of a streptococcal infection.

International Center for Diarrheal Disease Research

How to Get Away with Uber

Roberto Chicas doesn’t use Uber anymore. Actually, he doesn’t do much anymore, not since he met Patrick Karajah. It was one night in late September.

Obama’s David Plouffe

All Dressed Up For Mars and Nowhere to Go

200,000 brave and/or insane people have supposedly signed up for a one-way mission to Mars. But the truth about Mars One, the company behind the effort, is much weirder (and far more worrying) than anyone has previously reported.

Elmo Keep

The Sixth Stage of Grief Is Retro-computing

Over the last few days I’ve been crazy for emulation—that is, simulating old, busted computers on my sweet modern laptop. I’ve been booting up fake machines and tearing them down, one after the other, and not doing much besides.

Homebrew Computer Club

The First Female Gamers

In the summer of 1974, a few obscure fanzines trickled out early reviews of a new game called Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons

How ISIS Went Viral

Their beheading videos are a sick kind of marketing strategy—and it’s working, on all of us.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand


How U.S. Internet access monopolies punish rivals and catch innocent bystanders in the crossfire — legally

Cable industry fuckery

Pipino: Gentleman Thief

Venice was built to confuse.

Pipino venice

The Last Words Of Tupac Shakur

Eighteen years ago a rap superstar was gunned down in Las Vegas. Since then, his story has become legend. But for the cop who was first on the scene, that night remains unforgettably real.

The details surrounding

Louisiana Loses Its Boot

I was aware Arnaudville is just outside Lafayette, but I couldn’t have told you in what direction, even though I’d been there several times before. Compulsive use of my smart phone’s map apps has eroded whatever navigational confidence — and, by extension, awareness — I ever possessed of areas outside New Orleans, where I’ve lived for over a dozen years.

approximation of Louisiana’s true shape

The Queer Case of Luke O’Donovan

He’s in jail for stabbing five men who beat him and used homophobic slurs.Was it self-defense, or community justice?

A very generalized coastline

I had a couple drinks and woke up with 1,000 nerds

This is the story of an accidental network of hundreds of people all (sort of) working toward a vague common goal on a ridiculous project that did not exist two weeks ago.

Making awesome web pages

When “Purple Rain” Came Falling Down

Following the success of the Purple Rain film and soundtrack—which made Prince the first person in US history to have the number one album, single, and movie in the country simultaneously—anticipation for the tour was at a fever pitch. Ultimately, Prince and the Revolution would perform just shy of a hundred shows in five months, from late 1984 into the spring of 1985, selling 1.7 million tickets.

We Are the World

If we run and they kill us, so be it. But we have to run now

Near the classrooms in the dusty schoolyard of the Chibok Government Secondary School, the Whuntaku girls hold court beneath the green lele mazza tree.

That mid-April Monday

How to start a startup without ruining your life

Startups are emotional roller coasters that one minute make you feel like you’re changing the world and the next minute, that everything is falling apart.

Simon Sinek’s TEDx talk

Douchebag: The White Racial Slur We’ve All Been Waiting For

I am a white, middle class male professor at a big, public university, and every year I get up in front of a hundred and fifty to two hundred undergraduates in a class on the history of race in America and I ask them to shout white racial slurs at me.

The stereotype of black male criminality

Douchebag: The White Racial Slur We’ve All Been Waiting For

The white folks had sure brought their white to work with them that morning.

Douchebag Politics

Sex Is Sex. But Money Is Money.

Escorts make $100 a hand job — but entrepreneurs like me? We make $5,000 a night. How I hacked the new economy of the oldest profession

Spend Money to Make Money

How to talk economics in an election

The five rules of economic campaigning