3 life-changing steps


You’ve taken the first step towards following your dream by signing up for Life Coach Sophie’s newsletter and getting unique access to this simple 3 step guide on how to move from fear to freedom.

Hurrah, you are officially on your way to becoming a power babe! This is what you'll find in this guide:

- Tools to clear the clutter and regain clarity
- The secret (and only!) way of dealing with fear effectively
- A fast track towards making your dream happen ASAP
- A very special offer + free bonus session for my unique coaching programme Take the Leap!

But - wait - your mind might say: 'Why would I trust what she has to say?' Well, go to the next page and find out how I managed to overcome anxiety disorder by following my dreams...

How I Quit Anti-Depressants by Following My Dreams

Read my story

Now it's your turn!

After this life-changing experience I now help ambitious women move from fear to freedom so that they can finally follow their dreams & lead the fulfilling lives they're looking for.

And now it's your turn!

But, before you start on your thrilling journey towards freedom & fulfilment, take a moment to realize that this is the point of no return.

Because once you say yes to freedom, you also say yes to fear.

This might sound like something you would actually want to steer away from, but the key to unlocking your dreams is in this vital step.

A little lesson on fear

Fear is an inevitable factor in your life when you decide to follow your dreams. It is all about committing to what you really care about and being willing to take the fear with you.

So if you were hoping for a magic wand that would make your fear disappear, then I’m sorry, but that’s not what you’ll find in this three step guide.

What you will find is an incredibly powerful way to deal with this stifling emotion and the possibility to go for your heart’s desires as a result.

So, are you willing to take this bold step and to move from fear to freedom?

Yes, bring it on! (go to the next page for step 1)

No thanks, I'd rather stay stuck where I am (close this guide)

STEP 1: Get Clear on Your Personal Fear & Freedom

The first thing we’ll do is get clarity on where you are now and where you’d like to be instead. By answering the powerful questions on the next pages, you’ll design the path that will allow you to move beyond fear and dive into your dreams.

Get up close & personal

Take some time out, switch off all your devices, get pen & paper and be willing to get up close & personal with yourself.

Only through clarity will you see the path you need to take towards your heart’s desires.

Status Quo Questions

What is your status quo?

Where are you now?

What do you find unfulfilling about your current situation?

What’s keeping you stuck?

What does your fear look like?

What does it feel like?

How much is it holding you back?

What is it costing you?

On a scale from 1 to 10, how much are you willing to go beyond this fear?

Future Freedom Questions

If you were able to go beyond your fear, where would you go?

What would your ideal status quo look like?

What would it feel like?

What kind of person would you be?

What would you do?

What would this mean to you?

What would this mean to the people around you?

What would this mean to the world?

Draw up your dream

Take some time to draw the vision you have of yourself when you live in complete freedom.

Put in details, colours, texts, people, symbols; anything that makes the vision of your ideal status quo come alive.

Look at your creation. How do you feel? What do you feel most, your fear or your desire for freedom? Be honest – there’s no wrong or right here!

STEP 2: Follow Your Fear

Now that we’ve literally drawn a clear picture of where you’d like to go, we’ll look a little closer at what’s stopping you from getting there: your fear.

You’re probably thinking: ‘What trick are you pulling on me Sophie? I don’t want to follow my fear; I want to face my fear and follow my dreams!’ Well, I’ll explain why we’re taking this little detour right away by sharing a little secret about fear:

Fear is a signpost to freedom

Say what? Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but I have experienced that this counterintuitive statement is true as a turtle.

Think about this for a second: the things you fear most are always the things that you care about most.

It’s like with your comfort zone; the things you’d like to have are always outside of your comfort zone. Otherwise you’d already have them.

The uncomfortable comfort zone

This is why I prefer calling it your uncomfortable comfort zone. Staying in your comfort zone means staying stuck. Getting out of it means moving forward. But that feels – surprise, surprise –

Fear is also pretty uncomfortable. Trust me, I know, I’ve been through anxiety disorder and back and I’ve seen all shades of fear on my way down there. But here’s the catch: feeling fear is a sign that something that you truly care about is hiding underneath it.

Some striking illustrative examples

Afraid of flying? I guess you secretly dream of travelling and exploring the world.

Terrified of speaking in public? You probably have an important message to share.

Freak out when going on a date? I figure you’re dying for some love in your life.

Full of self-doubt when expressing yourself through art? The odds are you are a hidden artistic talent.

STEP 3: Face Your Fear

The only thing that’s left to do now is apply your newly acquired skill of sitting with and embracing your fear and not letting it stop you from moving towards your dreams.

Small steps towards big dreams

Your path to freedom

This is a skill that needs to be practiced, challenged and repeated over and over again. In this way you’ll actually get comfortable bearing this uncomfortable feeling and that will unlock your path to freedom.

10 scary things

Write down 10 things that you can try out that scare you a little bit and test your ability to sit with your fear. Don’t overdo it, start with things that are outside of your comfort zone, but provide you with a relatively safe playground.

Remember: small steps towards big dreams.

Get out of your comfort zone

Some examples:

- sing out loud on your bike
- go for a cup of coffee by yourself
- talk to a stranger
- buy something that is actually too expensive
- dance a little wilder than usual
- try to speak a different language
- draw or paint something and post it online
- share your feelings with someone
- etc.

What are the 10 things that live out of your comfort zone & are you going to try within the coming week?

Come back to them after one week and reflect on the effect it has had on you. What have you experienced? What have you learned? What did it mean to you?

The bigger, the bolder, the better

Now, this face-your-fear muscle only needs training. The bigger, the bolder, the better. When you realize fear is a signpost for freedom and that you can actually live with your fear, then freedom is actually yours.

Ready for a big fat change?

Feel like you get the picture, but think you could use some more guidance? Do you notice that you find it hard to make the actual moves? Feel stuck in self-criticism and doubt? Would you like to get a clearer idea of what your freedom looks like and what moves to make to actually get there? Are you ready for a big fat change – but still feel fear is standing in your way?


‘I started working with Sophie when I decided to follow my heart’s desire of moving to Florence, Italy last year. She helped me gain insight in what I needed to be able to really take this step. Sophie especially helped me look at my own strenghths and how to (dare to) trust them instead of making mountains out of mole hills.

I quit my job, sold my house and my car and the fear that I expected to feel when taking these steps never showed up. Wow, it is so incredibly powerful to be able to follow my heart and to believe in myself!

And now I’ve been living in Florence for two months already. I live so much more from my heart and feel that I can set up my life here. When I have moments of doubt or fear, I think back of my sessions with Sophie and tap into my own strengths and regain that feeling that I know I can do it!

Grazie mille, Sophie!!!’

– Anneke

Working with Sophie will allow you to:

- Get clarity on where you are now & where you want to go next
- Get unstuck & move forward
- Own your worth & live up to your value
- Become more self-confident, stronger & happier
- Overcome self-doubt, fear & anxiety
- Tap into your own strengths & learn to trust yourself
- Step out of your comfort zone & into your life
- Move from fear to freedom & finally follow your dreams!

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If I can do it, you can do it

Love & courage,