19 june 2014- 23 april 2015

Exhibition curated by Stefania Ricci and Sergio Risaliti
We began walking on two feet at least six million years ago and immediately learned to put our weight on the arch of the foot. Salvatore Ferragamo devoted his life to the anatomical study of thefoot and the plantar arch, and his research took both architectural and engineering aspects into account, as his patents demonstrate.
A celebration of walking, dancing barefoot or on tiptoe, walking the tightrope, climbing a mountain, striding out and marching on command, wandering around in search of oneself and rambling aimlessly: these are just a few of the themes explored in the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum’s latest exhibition, Equilibrium, curated by Stefania Ricci and Sergio Risaliti.
The exhibition juxtaposes exceptionally fine, meaningful works of art from the various media – painting, sculpture, photography, video, film and printing –and backs them up with documentaries and historical records, archive images and a series of interviews with well-known people of our time: Wanda Ferragamo, James Ferragamo, Jerry Ferragamo, Reinhold Messner, Eleonora Abbagnato, Will Self, Cecil Balmond and Philippe Petit.
The curators have selected artwork by Canova and Degas, Rodin and Bourdelle, Matisse and Picasso, Lipchitz and Severini, Klee and Calder. Ancient bronze and marble sculptures of feet and dancing figures will be displayed alongside videos by Bill Viola and Marina Abramović, Wassily Kandinsky’s geometric balancing acts alongside Fausto Melotti’s threadlike structures, Albrecht Dürer’s Fortuna alongside Giulio Paolini’s tightrope walker, portraits of Nijinsky alongside portraits of Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham alongside Trisha Brown. Major international museums and numerous art galleries have participated in this project.
The catalogue offers more exhaustive coverage of the complex, vast themes from a variety of perspectives, thanks to contributions from historians and experts in the fields of art, film, dance, paleontology and philosophy.
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