For the active technology investor, finding quality deals is your single most time-consuming activity.
Angelist currently has 342,355 startups listed in its search results. Investors like yourself simply don't have time to wade through all those opportunities. All the filtering mechanisms are geared towards types of companies, not for types of investors. The lack of personalized discovery makes the signal to noise ratio too high.
Your local angel group is full of internal politics and bureaucracy. Good luck trying to find a quality deal through them, much less being able to participate in the round. The lack of control in the dealflow process makes your membership questionable.
Accelerators are focused on quantity over quality. They do their best to turn their class of 20 first-time entrepreneurs into an "investment opportunity", but a turd is a turd no matter the polish.
Your last line of defense is direct inbound solicitations from aspiring entrepreneurs. Think of the last 10 unsolicited meetings you took with entrepreneurs. Yea, we feel your pain.
There needs to be a better way to find quality deals without so much time commitment.