free mini guide

Ciao bella!

Let me guess: you've been dreaming about making that big, bold life change for ages, but you're stuck in just dreaming about it and not actually doing anything because of fear, insecurity, self-doubt, not knowing where to start, other people's opinions, lack of clarity, time, self-confidence or courage... Am I right? Well, no problem! Whatever the reason, this guide will finally help you turn your dream into reality!

I'm Sophie Charlotte and I help wonderful women like yourself say YES to themselves and their dreams. I've overcome anxiety disorder by following my big, bold dream of moving to Florence, Italy - and I've flourished ever since!

Taking leaps of faith is my specialty and I've collected all the techniques have helped me follow all my wildest dreams in this cool 10-step guide. Ready to turn your dream into reality as well? Let's go!


Sounds like such a simple thing to do, but maybe it's one of the hardest ones out there...

Ask yourself:

What do you really, really want? What is the crystal clear picture of your dream? What is your deepest desire? What would make your heart sparkle and turn your life into a masterpiece?

Yes, you're allowed to dream this big, because you know why?

IT'S YOUR LIFE - now go and do what you want with it!


Surround yourself with people that support you. Get the right information to turn your vision into reality. Ask people who've already done it about their experience. Get help from a coach and allow yourself to let it the process be as easy as possible.

Whatever you do, don't share your dream with small-minded people who will not understand you. They'll tell you you're crazy and you might start feeling you are too.

You're not. You're just different. And that's good! Now focus on positive people, positive outcomes and positive examples. You'll make life a lot easier for yourself - and for your dream too!


Stop doubting your own abilities, stop asking yourself "what if?" or self-sabotaging by not taking any action.

If you can dream it, you can do it! Now prove yourself you can not by just thinking about it, but actually making moves in the direction of your dream.



What kind of woman do you need to become in order to actually live your dream?

The Universe will only grant you your desires if you're ready to receive them...

So be that woman, talk like that woman, dress like that woman, have the energy of that woman... and then you'll become her!


Trust yourself.
Trust the Universe.
Trust your gut.
Trust that this is what you're meant to do.
Trust that it is actually humanly possible.
Trust that you CAN do it.
Trust that you'll know how to deal with obstacles when they come your way...

How does it feel to trust? Now tap into that feeling as much as possible and see what happens...

Lean in, let go, dive in... and LEAP!


This is the number one thing that you need to do in order to create the life of your dreams.

When you love yourself, you will be able to listen to your voice within, you'll take care of it and make sure that you are really happy. You will have natural boundaries and make sure that you live in alignment with yourself.

When you love yourself you know that you'll be able to handle whatever comes your way, you'll feel naturally self-confident and attract people, opportunities and success into your life!

It actually is the main thing I work on when helping my clients go for their dreams. It all starts with YOU and how you feel about yourself; the rest will follow naturally.


See, hear, feel, watch, listen, embody, smell, touch the vision you have of your dream; be in the picture. Feel what it's like to be doing what you desire, to be that woman who is living out her dream, to finally feel in the right place, doing what you love and feeling frikkin' fabulous.

Tap into the realm of magic and get onto the vibration of the space that you want to inhabit.

Imagine yourself cycling around in Florence, see yourself talking to clients, feel your sweet husband's arms around you coming home, smell the Italian meal that he'll have cooked, hear the compliments you get for your art, see the e-mail from someone who's read your work and loves it, hold your book in your hands, smell the paper and sign the first page...

Whatever your dream is; live in it as much as you can and call it into your reality.


Things take time, so do dreams.

It takes time to get in touch with the right people, to sign up for courses, to get a new house, to learn a new craft, to study a new language, to find your way around town, to make new friends, to set up a network, to get used to your new habitat, to create a new structure, to develop new habits, to have a new vocation, to get clients, to be known, to set up a community, to become fluent, to adapt a new identity, to change...

Be patient; when you don't see results right away it doesn't mean you're failing. It means things are growing under the surface, but you can't see them yet. It's like with a plant: you plant the seed, you nourish it, give it water, let it have sunlight, fresh air, maybe you talk to it... the last thing you do is rush it into growing leaves NOW! Don't do the same to your dream; you'll kill it that way.


You can listen to your mind's horror stories as much as you like, you can beat yourself up for feeling anxious, insecure and full of fear and you can decide to give up because it's all just not worth it...

Or you can learn about how to deal with those negative thoughts, how to stop let fear sabotage your momentum, how to generate self-confidence that will make you feel unstoppable, how to get the courage to actually dare to take the leap!

I've written a super powerful programme called Take the Leap in which I share the 7 essential steps that allow me to overcome fear and go for my own big, bold dreams. It's full of techniques that will teach you how to get to that point where you'll feel so ready nothing will hold you back anymore! Read more on the next page!


Like I mentioned at the beginning, I know all about anxiety, fear, insecurity, low self-worth and just not feeling like you can do what you're dreaming about because of self-doubt.

I've been able to turn this around thanks to different courses, getting coached myself, learning new skills and finding ways to not let my rambling mind and crippling fear stop me anymore.

I cured myself from anxiety disorder and I stopped taking antidepressants because of following my dream of moving to Florence.

I believe following your dream, doing what you really want and coming into full alignment with yourself is the antidote to any kind of discomfort. I put all my knowledge in these 7 steps and they've helped me and my clients take massive leaps over and over again.


"My God Sophie Charlotte you're right! My ridiculously negative mind is keeping me in my comfort zone...and it's actually bloody uncomfortable!!!" - Cate


"Sophie truly made my transition to Florence from the USA so much easier than it would have been navigating everything on my own. When I was doubting whether or not I could take the leap, my Skype calls with her helped me find my confidence. I truly cannot thank Sophie enough for how much she helped me make my dream to live in Florence come true. Her energy and passion are infectious and will help anyone who wants to make living in Florence a reality. " - Liz, USA

Ciao bella,

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