Some pictures and poems of Nathanael M. a singer guitarrist of sothern pacific Costa Rica.
Experimetal guitarrist - sound engeniering - art producer
Poems from " Hipersepción" Poem book from NM 2014
Mi first album is a time of hard changes in my life, loosing friendes for my desicion to stay playing music... Only the music keep me chest warm, it was my scape and ligth. Venus mind all Nathanael M. in that moment, some summer time, spanish poetry, sci fic expeimtal U-F-O tribut track, keepimg my strong roots on the hard rock never forget my guitar on this process of surviving my self.
La Musicasa
Camara: Laettner Rojas.
Nathanael Marín
Diego Morales
Alejandro Castro
Has a user of the guitar i know e