翡冷翠的舊橋(老橋)很可能是義大利最出名的橋。舊橋橫跨亞諾河, 始建年月不詳, 但公元九九六年己見載於文獻中。最初為石礅木橋, 曾數次遭洪水所毀, 直至1345年重建時改為石橋。1944年德軍撤退, 炸毁亞諾河上所有橋樑, 獨留舊橋, 所以舊橋是如假包換的舊橋。 據說以前是肉鋪的集中地, 到如今幾乎是清一色的金飾店。橋的两端原有四座中世紀的碉樓, 後來只剩下南面橋頭的孟拉利(Mannelli) 樓。為了保存這座碉樓, 1565年麥迪奇家建瓦沙利走廊(Vasari Corridor)時特地繞着碉樓而建,見下面照片。
舊橋是遊客必到的景點, 我們住的飯店就在南區近橋頭的地方, 所以每天都會經過一、两次。我喜歡從聖三一橋回望舊橋, 尤其是黄昏的時候, 那暖和的色調令人心醉。我沒有好好的給它拍照, 因為早上都是怱怱出門, 下午/晚上回來時多己精疲力盡。下回吧 (看官, 這是我的口頭憚, 其实是下輩子的意思)。
Ponte Vecchio (The Old Bridge) is probably the most well-known Medieval bridge in Italy. Ponte Vecchio spans over the Arno River in Florence. It is the only surviving bridge over the Arno because German Army blew up all other bridges when they retreated in 1944.
Ponte Vecchio hosted shops and merchants built along both sides, butchers were the initial tenants and presently jewelers. My Italian neighbor reminded me several times to take my wife there for shopping.

The Bridge consists of three arches, this is the south arch. 橋分三拱, 此為南拱.

Yes, this is Ponte Vecchio, you only see this in the early morning. 早上六時所見, 跟下午有天壤之別.
從左圖文拉利碉樓向右過來,可清楚看到瓦沙利廊。此廊自市政廳伸展至彼蒂宮。使麥迪奇公爵自彼蒂宮往辦公廳視事時無風雨之苦, 最重要的是無喑殺之慮。Varsar's Corridor, at south of Mannelli Tower, leading to the Palazzo Pitti.
文拉利碉樓, 是橋頭唯一保留下來的中世紀碉樓。 Mannelli Tower- The only surviving tower of the four once stood at the corners of Ponte Vecchia. The Vasari Corridor, connecting to the photo on the right, was built around it in 1565, to preserve the tower.
Almost all the present tenants on Ponte Vecchia are jewelers. 現在的店鋪幾乎全是金飾店。

Statue of Benvenuto Cellini (pigeon not included), one of the most important artists of Mannerism(?). 切利尼, 風格主義(?)大師。
The 14th century sundial. 十四世紀日規。
window shopping. 金飾店展品.

Late afternoon is always concert time. He's very popular there. 黄昏音樂會。
Late afternoon. You are right, those two are Chinese dragon boats . 你沒有看錯, 是龍舟競渡。
I believe these dragon boats are from Hong Kong. 是香港式的龍舟。
The Vasari Corridor on tope of the merchants. 舊橋的另一邊。
The other side of Ponte Vecchio. 舊橋的另一邊。